Production Updates
Hello folks! In this early November we are happy to inform that we have some major production updates to share with you. We are sure that Capcom and Street Fighter fans are up for a treat!
War Heroes… yes, those two have taken their time. We have informed in a few occasions in the past that this project got pushed back due to some factory changes that impact in its schedule but the project is back on track and production has evolved a lot. We take this chance to apologize for the delay and to assure that its completion is closer than it has ever been.
And while we are on the Street Fighter page, Chun Li has finished her quality rounds check and she is almost ready to go! We are super satisfied with the results achieved and we cannot wait to start sending her out!
Last but not least, our last batch of Rathalos pieces is almost done and shipping should be happening right after. Our first batch has already been sent to our warehouses. Since transport is done by ship this can take a few months but rest assured hunters, The King of the Skies is on its way. Here are some “army” pics for your enjoyment:
To wrap this up, we really value everyone’s patience. We know the waiting game is hard and sometimes takes its toll on us kollectors but we must say that those last couple of years were extremely challenging regarding production and factory availability. And although things certainly haven’t come back to normal yet, we are definitely walking torward better days. Expect Geese Howard news soon. Thanks!!